Books that nourish our being.

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This book was not written. This book was literally said, discussed, talked about. It is spoken word, alive, direct, because each one of its chapters is a speech or a discussion that took place in a group, a presentation, an event, or a seminar of Omilos. It refers to topics that were neither predetermined nor scheduled, but arose each time through the flow of the group and from the need that existed in all those who participated, whether they were members of Omilos or not.

Each chapter is addressed to all of us together but also to each one of us individually, so that through its pages the reader can become part of all that which is developing, as if they were present and part of the discussion when it first took place, to the degree, of course, that this is possible. There is no need for someone to agree or disagree, to accept or reject, to understand or not understand something. Very simply, as they read, they might see a different way of approaching everyday life, and if they find something that “works for them”, as we say, to take it with them, if they consider that it can help them improve their life and they themselves be better.

After all, if we could say that this book has a goal, this would be to keep the door open for anyone who wants to admire the “miracle of the miracle”, the Human Being and Life!

In this book, the author shares her profound journey alongside the Master Dimitris Kakalidis, who guided her towards embracing fearlessness. Through heartfelt narratives and insightful lessons, the author unravels her personal experiences and transformative moments with the Master.

His wise teachings and encouragement allowed her to conquer her deepest fears, which for three years had been a daily problem in her life, and embark on a path of courage and self-discovery. The positive results she experienced led her to seek the path of spirituality and continue her progress toward fearlessness. It also convinced her that it is the only road that delivers anyone from daily tribulations and leads to light, love, and freedom.

With its inspiring content and empowering message, 'From Fear to Fearlessness' is a must-read for anyone seeking guidance and inspiration in navigating their own fears and finding true freedom.

The learning experience of each individual is a composite one. It is taken in by breathing, by eating, by making love. Sometimes the teachings are understood and sometimes not. If, however, you find yourself in the presence of a Master, of someone who helps you to understand what you are being taught, then your learning becomes conscious, life takes on another meaning.

In this captivating book, the author takes us on a remarkable journey through her own personal transformation, as her footsteps led her to the Master and she became a conscious disciple in the study of life and of herself in order to find the meaning of existence.





"Wisdom of the Poem" is a groundbreaking work that introduces innovative and unexplored approaches to analysing poems. It is a rare, diachronic, deeply philosophical piece of work with pioneering analyses of poems by Greek poets.

With its unique insights, Dimitris Kakalidis sheds new light on the intricacies of poetry, uncovering hidden meanings and unveiling uncharted paths of interpretation.

By delving into the depth and richness of each poem, the author offers a fresh understanding of the craft and artistry behind each verse. He discovers its sensitivities, its messages, and at the same time, he reveals its hidden essence.

"Wisdom of the Poem" is a must-read for all, as it revolutionizes the way we perceive and appreciate the beauty and complexity of poetry.


"Wisdom of the Short Story" is a captivating book, is a philosophical work that delves into the profound lessons and insights found within the realm of short stories.

Renowned author, Dimitris Kakalidis, takes readers on a transformative journey. Through his poetic analysis, he delves into stories and interprets concepts to uncover the truth. In doing so, he aims to bring humans closer to their essential nature, freeing them from the constraints of ideas and the limitations of the mind.

With his work, Kakalidis showcases the boundless potential of literature, constantly inspiring new ways of perceiving and understanding the cosmic nature.

“In the woman’s embrace there is no ‘I’ or ‘You’, there are no roles and manners. There is only love playing all roles with all manners, acknowledging that they are all her aspects, powers of her own infinite power.”

This is a revealing book; giving specific examples of the woman's function, her positive and negative features, and their respective consequences. It becomes evident that the woman's nature can bring essential improvements in life the moment she becomes aware of it, accepts it and decides to work in order to express her power, believing in herself and realising that the miracle of life exists in her, the miracle of creation.

The book is a refreshing and inspiring read for anyone who wants to learn more about the power of the woman and how to tap into it. It is a gentle invitation to explore the woman’s inner truth and potential.


The book “The Concealed Lotus of Manifestation” is the first part of the poetic trilogy by Dimitris Kakalidis. The trilogy also includes the books “Fallen Paradise Holy Matter” and “Logos the Third”.

This specific edition is bilingual; the English translation is on the recto and the original poems in Greek are on the verso side, rendering the books even more appealing to readers who wish to deepen into the concepts and meanings through the poet’s original word.


In this book the author delves into the subject of spiritual healing, emphasizing that human beings possess the ability to heal themselves and others. This idea which may surprise some readers, but it conveys an optimistic message because as stated in the book’s subtitle, this is “a human potential in theory and practice”.

Written in the first person, the author elaborates on the subject of spiritual healing and analyses issues such as disease, the relationship between humans and their bodies, emotions, and mental functions, and much more.

In an experiential way, she presents how she was taught spiritual healing and how she actualised it. She gives numerous examples which prove that spiritual healing is a reality and, above all, a way of life through which anyone can experience the continuous miracle in life.

The book “Fallen Paradise Holy Matter” is the second part of the poetic trilogy by Dimitris Kakalidis. The trilogy also includes the books “The Concealed Lotusof Manifestation” and “Logos the Third”.

This specific edition is bilingual; the English translation is on the recto and the original poems in Greek are on the verso side, rendering the books even more appealing to readers that wish to deepen into the concepts and meanings through the poet’s original word.



The book “Logos the Third” is the third part of the poetic trilogy by Dimitris Kakalidis. The trilogy also includes the books “The Concealed Lotusof Manifestation” and “Fallen Paradise Holy Matter”.

This specific edition is bilingual; the English translation is on the recto and the original poems in Greek are on the verso side, rendering the books even more appealing to readers that wish to deepen into the concepts and meanings through the poet’s original word.
